This project considers optimising a combination of conflicting black-box and analytical objective functions. We extend and compare two existing Bayesian methods to competing multi-objective optimisation methods.
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This project considers robust superstructure design and operation of a bioreactor that produces red blood cells. Although we develop an optimisation model for a specific bioreactor, the intellectual framework may generally apply to bioprocess optimisation.
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Heat exchanger networks reuse excess industrial process heat onsite and thereby improve energy recovery. We consider the resulting mixed-integer nonlinear optimisation problem for designing heat recovery networks and investigate approximate and exact methods.
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This project detects special mathematical structure within nonconvex mixed-integer nonlinear optimisation problems. Specifically, we are interested in global network structure.
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This project develops algorithmic protocols and computational tools for solving mixed-integer nonlinear optimisation problems; we focus on building effective solution strategies for engineering applications.
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This project optimises fuel blending for energy systems on a feed-forward network of inputs, intermediate storage, and outputs; we investigate blending petrochemical feeds in a way that maximises profit subject to environmental standards.
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This project investigates combining logical approaches with existing mixed-integer optimisation solution strategies. We focus on satisfiability modulo theories, a tool commonly used in software verification contexts.
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This project investigates the use of problem structure in the context of finding globally optimal solutions in non-convex optimisation. We analyse specific problems in volatility modelling (finance) and in pooling networks (oil & gas).
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