Link to COG weekly seminars here (Google Sheets).

Seminar: Added value of scenario tree based stochastic optimization in long and medium term planning of hydro power systems

Title: Added value of scenario tree based stochastic optimization in long and medium term planning of hydro power systemsSpeaker: Dr. Georg OstermaierAffiliation: Location: Room 217 Huxley BuildingTime: 11:00amAbstract. The changes in the dynamics of power prices in Germany within the last few years have implied significant decreases of revenues of pumped storage hydro systems. The... Read more »

Seminar: Risk measures and time consistency

Title: Risk measures and time consistencySpeaker: Prof. Alexander ShapiroAffiliation: School of Industrial and Systems Engineering - Georgia Institute of TechnologyLocation: Room 145 Huxley BuildingTime: 2:00pmAbstract. In this talk we discuss basic theory of risk measures and risk averse optimization. Starting with the pioneering paper by Artzner et al, "Coherent measures of risk" (1999), this theory... Read more »

Seminar: Numerical Aggregation of Trust Evidence: Its Analysis and Optimisation

Title: Numerical Aggregation of Trust Evidence: Its Analysis and OptimisationSpeaker: Prof. Michael Huth and Dr. Jim Huan-Pu KuoAffiliation: Department of Computing - Imperial College LondonLocation: Room 217 Huxley BuildingTime: 3:15pmAbstract. We have designed a language in which modellers can specify trust and distrust signals that, in their presence, generate a numerical score, and where such... Read more »

Seminar: Revolutionizing Airline Planning & Scheduling with the Invention of Unified Optimization

Title: Revolutionizing Airline Planning & Scheduling with the Invention of Unified OptimizationSpeaker: Dr. Nikolaos PapadakosAffiliation: Decisal LtdLocation: Room 345 Huxley BuildingTime: 2:00pmAbstract. Airline planning and scheduling are complex mixed integer problems. To reduce complexity each of them has traditionally been split into stages. For example, scheduling is split into fleet assignment, aircraft scheduling, and crew... Read more »

Seminar: Multi-stage Decision Optimization under Uncertainty

Title: Multi-stage Decision Optimization under Uncertainty Speaker: Dr. Ronald HochreiterAffiliation: WU Vienna University of Economics and BusinessLocation: Room 218 Huxley BuildingTime: 2:00pmAbstract. In this talk we will review and discuss various aspects of multi-stage decision optimization problems under uncertainty - from problem formulation to modeling language support as well as the numerical solution of optimization... Read more »

Seminar: Medium-term planning for thermal electricity production

Title: Medium-term planning for thermal electricity productionSpeaker: Dr. Florentina ParaschivAffiliation: Institute for Operations Research and Computational Finance - University of St. GallenLocation: Room 218 Huxley BuildingTime: 2:00pmAbstract. In the present paper, we present a mid-term planning model for thermal power generation which is based on multistage stochastic optimization and involves stochastic electricity spot prices, a... Read more »

Seminar: Bayesian Optimization for Learning Robot Control

Title: Bayesian Optimization for Learning Robot ControlSpeaker: Dr. Marc DeisenrothAffiliation: Department of Computing - Imperial College LondonLocation: Room 217 Huxley BuildingTime: 3:00pmAbstract. Statistical machine learning has been a promising direction in control and robotics for more than a decade since data-driven learning allows us to reduce the amount of engineering knowledge that is otherwise required.... Read more »

Seminar: Visual-Inertial Odometry (VIO) Using Nonlinear Optimization

Title: Visual-Inertial Odometry (VIO) Using Nonlinear OptimizationSpeaker: Dr. Stefan LeuteneggerAffiliation: Dyson Robotics Lab - Imperial College LondonLocation: Room 217 Huxley BuildingTime: 2:00pmAbstract. Visual-inertial fusion for state estimation and mapping has recently drawn increased attention. The sensing modalities offer compelling complementary characteristics, since inertial measurements provide strong short-term temporal correlations, while visual correspondences in images form... Read more »

Seminar: Static and Dynamic Assortment Optimization

Title: Static and Dynamic Assortment OptimizationSpeaker: Prof. Kalyan TalluriAffiliation: Imperial College London Business SchoolLocation: LT 311 Huxley BuildingTime: 2:00pmAbstract. Assortment Optimization is the problem of offering an optimal assortment from a ground set. Customers choose one of the offered products or decide not to purchase any. The dynamic version of this problem with finite inventories... Read more »